Making resolutions are a routine part of celebrating the new year and usually have to do with some self-improvement pledge to lose weight or quit smoking etc. Some are fulfilled successfully, but sadly most end up in the "try again next year" pile.
Here's an idea. What about making resolutions that have some real value and would benefit more than an individual? Let's all start making 4th of July Freedom Pledges to actively join the fight to defend a free America. We can call 'em a "REVOLUTION RESOLUTION."
When America won the Revolutionary War and gained independence that was only the beginning and the fight changed from winning freedom to defending and preserving it which is where we are today. Look around. Individual freedom is under an all out attack from worthless pieces of human debris who hardly deserve even one lungful of air that was bought by the blood of American heroes and patriots. These brave men and women certainly made their Revolution Resolutions and were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice if that was necessary.
Make no mistake about it. The people who love freedom and everything our Constitutional Republic stands for are in a war. Its a cultural war, a war of contrasting views, a war against those who worship a government of tyranny. We all need to enlist in a freedom-loving army of American patriots who will get inspired by what our forefathers were willing to endure and what they won. That can begin by making a Revolution Resolution. What are we willing to do to defend freedom and save our republic by confronting the evil that is attacking us? We will pledge to use every ounce of our God-given strength and talent and ability to win and fulfill our Resolutions.
When General George Washington and the Continental Army was crossing the Delaware River to attack the Hessian troops at Trenton, New Jersey in December of 1776, the password was "Victory or Death." Washington knew that this was a do or die moment for his army, the American Revolution, and whether or not there would be a United States of America. Defeat was not an option then and it is not an option for us today. Lets repeat that - Defeat is not an option for us. Think about it, America.
Anyone who loves America and loves freedom cannot be a spectator in the war to defend our constitution and our country. America needs you and us. All of us. The American people need to all be educated, motivated and activated. Can we hear the appeals of American patriots who are asking us to please stand up and defend this great country, this unique and blessed republic that they bled and died for? There has only been one America in history and there will only ever be one America that God created and put in the world to be a force for good and that which is right.
Lets celebrate this 4th of July by thanking Almighty God for America and thanking Him for people anywhere in the world who love freedom and righteousness. Let's remember and be thankful for our forefathers and all who have bled and died for us. Most of all lets search our souls and find the Spirit of America in us that says 'make a Revolution Resolution today' to find whatever we can do to fight the evil that is attacking America and keep fighting until we have total victory to defend freedom. our Constitution and our Republic.
Happy Birthday America, Happy Independence Day, May God bless and save America and may God bless those who fight to save our freedom.
Please take a minute to make your Revolution Resolution and share it in the comments section. You may inspire someone else which is an important part of keeping the fire of freedom burning.