America prayed......God answered Donald J Trump is the 45th president of the United States and his campaign was simply stated around a fantastic goal -- MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. The "Trump Effect" is simple to define. People finally understand the evils of globalism and have decided to fight and they decided they wanted Donald Trump to lead them in this war against globalism which is the evil enemy of freedom. Americans have always been willing to fight to preserve the freedoms of the most powerful and greatest nation that the world has ever seen. President Trump is the leader of a new American fight that is a MUST WIN for freedom. It is a MUST WIN in order for America to be great again! The Globalist agenda is supported by the United Nations and the Democrat Party who have some insane notion that there should be no national borders, and actually no individual nations at all -- there only needs to be a Global State under One Government. Like the I...
Presenting thought-provoking questions Think America will inspire Americans and freedom-loving people everywhere in the world in order to educate, motivate, and activate them to defend freedom and stand victoriously against the evil forces of tyranny and globalism.