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Showing posts from July, 2013


Making resolutions are a routine part of celebrating the new year and usually have to do with some self-improvement pledge to lose weight or quit smoking etc. Some are fulfilled successfully, but sadly most end up in the "try again next year" pile. Here's an idea. What about making resolutions that have some real value and would benefit more than an individual? Let's all start making 4th of July Freedom Pledges to actively join the fight to defend a free America. We can call 'em a "REVOLUTION RESOLUTION." When America won the Revolutionary War and gained independence that was only the beginning and the fight changed from winning freedom to defending and preserving it which is where we are today. Look around. Individual freedom is under an all out attack from worthless pieces of human debris who hardly deserve even one lungful of air that was bought by the blood of American heroes and patriots. These brave men and women certainly made their Revolu...